Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cataerobics update

Unfortunately, Tommy was officially classified as "overweight" at his recent visit to the vet. (The other vet who saw him last year at the same office called him "big" but not fat. I think he's, uh, fluffier this year.) Thankfully, the doctor didn't prescribe any kind of diet. She says that canned food is supposed to be better for cats, so I'll feed him some more often, but not all the time. (Because when you take them to the vet to get their teeth cleaned, you'll get the lecture about dry food being better for their teeth.)

So, I'm decreasing his daily rations and keeping a much closer eye on the bowls, making sure he doesn't steal Tessie's food. (She can even out-eat him sometimes, but her petite body has more than enough metabolism to support it.) I gotta say, I'm kind of alarmed at his gluttonous nature. If I let him, he'll just eat and eat and eat and then, because his tummy can only hold so much, he'll puke it all up, and guess who gets to clean up after him? Sigh.

Maybe it's time to dig out his rolling food bowl from storage. Or maybe I should download music from the Flashdance soundtrack for cataerobics classes. Or maybe I should just tack up a Bible verse on the wall next to his food bowl: "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed..." (Luke 12:15)

Oh, wait a minute -- cats can't read. D'oh!

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