Friday, April 24, 2009

What's a Windowbrawl, anyway?

When I lived with my parents a few years ago, my little half-Siamese female cat used to visit a sunroom that was in the back of the house. Unfortunately, the neighbor's larger black-and-white female cat would frequently trespass in the backyard and pick fights with my cat through the window. I wonder if both felines felt braver in fighting each other since they were protected by the window and didn't actually make any contact?

I've noticed that I'm much braver when I'm writing than when I'm talking in person. This world is nuts. There are all sorts of issues floating around that need to be addressed, and if you're introverted like me, it can be intimidating to confront a person who gets in your face and debates the crap out of you. But I figure if I'm sitting at my computer, protected by the "window" of the monitor and not actually getting the crap kicked out of me while I'm "brawling," it's all good. :) Yay, America! Yay, freedom of speech! Yay, freedom of expression!

I'd like to use this blog to express my ideas, probably address some controversial issues, and more than likely just ramble about random ideas that float through my head while I keep friends updated on my life. I hope you'll laugh, and/or cry, and/or clench your fist and... well, unclench your fist long enough to type in a comment. Let it all be in the spirit of Psalm 144.

For now, I'll be double-posting entries from my blog on MySpace. I'll insert the most recent posts from there on here shortly. (If you'd like to read really old posts, please refer to the Decidedly Wandering blog I shared with my friend Debbie.)

Thanks for reading, God bless, and come again. :)

1 comment:

  1. Now that I think about it, that was more of a sliding glass door in the sunroom, but for all practical purposes, it was a really big window. :)
