Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My day

There's a lot going on this time of year. Most everybody seems to be on vacation. But I am not. Today was quite busy. In a way, I'm glad I'm unemployed, because if I weren't, I think I would have had to take off work to cram everything in. Let me tell you about my day.

I applied for 4 jobs online, balanced my checkbook, and discovered old Petra songs. And in between all that, I drove my howling old cat (he literally howls when I transport him in his carrier) to and from the vet for his annual shots. During his visit, the vet X-rayed him and discovered that my cat has a kidney stone and a bladder stone. I took a picture of him a few minutes ago and shared it at the beginning of this post. Does he look sick to you? I think he looks fine. But I'm still waiting on more test results that will reveal the bigger picture.

Of course, waiting is a very vulnerable position to be in, because I don't know all the answers while I'm waiting. How did my cat develop stones? Is my vet really a good vet or a crazy quack? Why was I glued to the World Cup at the vet's waiting room when I'm really not a sports fan? Am I being irresponsible with my time, my cat, or my money? Can I really trust that I'm following God the right way, or can I really trust Him?

"Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You. Selah." (Psalm 84:4)

What I know for sure is that God is God. He will always be worthy of praise. I told Him so this afternoon while I was playing my guitar, right before I started crying, right before my supposedly ailing cat walked up to me and meowed. (He doesn't like it when I play my guitar.)

I mean, look at him. He looks fine. Does he look sick to you?

Another thing I know for sure is that my other cat was diagnosed with a heart murmur several years ago, but it's gone now. I'm convinced that God healed it. If He can fix a tiny little bug in a tiny little organ, He can fix tiny little stones in a tiny little body. That's not too hard for Him.

"O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You!" (Psalm 84:12)

This chick is choosing to trust God. There are so many things in my life that are uncertain right now, but one thing that is certain is the fact that God is still worthy of praise. He never changes. He's real. He's holy. He's a good Father. He's MY Father. I'm HIS child. OK, so those are more than one thing. But they are definitely certain.

And I have a job interview in about 36 hours.

So, counting my blessings, I have 1) a job interview coming up 2) two cats who are still alive 3) one cat with health issues that were discovered today before they became debilitating 4) a free 20-minute viewing of the World Cup 5) internet access that works well enough for me to apply for jobs online and blog about it later 6) a roof over my head 7) a car that still runs 8) a relationship with the God of the universe who actually likes me, wants to be around me, and takes care of me.

Hmm. I think I've got it pretty good.

And I had a crazy-full day. Time to sleep now. I think I needed to process/vent out loud. Thanks for reading.

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